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Hiidensalmi area now and then

Hiidensalmi area now and then
From €85.00 / h
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Virve Haahti the Guidevirve.haahti@live.com+358 400 777710Company id:FI28335662Merchant terms

Hiidensalmi area has been an important industrial area in Lohja in the beginning of the 1900's. In July 2021 there is going to be held Housing Fair. During this guided walk you hear history of Hiidensalmi area. You also experience the atmosphere of the latest residential area in Lohja.

Duration is one hour for 1 - 25 persons.  From September 2021 on it is possible to reserve coffe break in Villa Kokkokallio. Please ask pick-up service from your hotel or airport by e-mail.

Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing according to the wheather conditions.